Why Nobody Believes the Numbers:
The Outcomes Measurement Guide for Grown-Ups

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How to Take Advantage of Employer RFPs

The "Cheat Sheet" for Vendors in Employer Negotiations shows, using an example from a major benefits consulting firm, how vendors can find and exploit "holes" in the biostatistics of measurement, in order to ensure that they "make their numbers" and consequently keep their "at risk" percentages. This has been a bestseller more among employers than vendors, as they look to prevent this from happening.

It is best appreciated and understood in conjunction with the Return on Investment White Paper.

This is priced at $1000 for non-members and $200 for members.

To order for same-day or next-day transmission, call 781 856 3962. Credit cards are accepted.

Disease Management Purchasing Consortium International, Inc. .

890 Winter Street, Suite 208
Waltham, MA 02451
Phone: 781 856 3962
Fax: 781 884 4150
Email: alewis@dismgmt.com