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Regions In Transition

The documented benefits of disease management (DM) — radically improved quality of health, together with savings that allow more effective health investments — are motivating responsible agencies worldwide to explore the potential advantage of the DM approach.

Breaking new ground is never easy. What is more, the traditions, legalities, needs and economic realities of healthcare delivery differ—often sharply—from country to country. In some cases, as in the US, the impetus for change begins with public and private insurers; in other regions, health ministries (e.g. Canada), physicians' associations, and/or material suppliers are taking the leading role. There is no one-size-fits-all model for the implementation of disease management.

Transition Advisory Service

Recognizing the increased worldwide interest in disease management, and demand for proven industry experience as well as solid data on which to base new programs, the Disease Management Purchasing Consortium now offers case-by-case consulting to government and private agencies and organizations. In all cases, our clients are assured of confidentiality and professional acumen. (Our staff includes former consultants to BCG and Bain & Co.) The advisory service can encompass but is not limited to the structure of pilot programs, identification of highest-return disease categories, identification of vendors, design of model contracts, and estimation of the expected stream of savings.

If you are reading this page in a language other than English, please note that some features of the site, such as contracts and documentation, are available online only in English. The DMPC will gladly advise and support any additional translation work needed by its members.

Your Inquiries Are Welcome.

Disease Management Purchasing Consortium International, Inc. .

890 Winter Street, Suite 208
Waltham, MA 02451
Phone: 781 856 3962
Fax: 781 884 4150
Email: alewis@dismgmt.com