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Yes, The Proof Is In: PCMH Analysts are 350% Dumber Than the General Public

Intelligent Design Awards recognize those contributions which most set back evolution of the disease management and wellness fields. Just as engineers say that more is learned from a single bridge which collapses than from 100 which stay up, there are serious lessons to be learned from these humorous failures. (Note: DMPC is officially neutral on Intelligent Design vs. Evolution in general. Just not in disease management and wellness.)

Here is the latest member of the "100 Club," a PCMH study showing a "350% Reduction" in Waiting Time for Doctor Appointments. So instead of running 10 minutes late, perhaps doctors in this PCMH run 35 minutes early:

PCMH Effectiveness: The Proof Is In

George Miller
January 04, 2010

Results of this pilot include a bump to 93% in the distribution of medications to asthmatics, as well as the aforementioned decrease in asthma-related hospitalizations. The ER visit rate dropped 16%. Results were reported in a peer-reviewed journal, Annals of Family Medicine.

Runners up in the hospital-admission reduction category are HealthPartners Medical Group BestCare PCMH Model and the John Hopkins Guided Care PCMH Model, which tied at 24%.

A five-year prospective evaluation of the model yields a 129% increase in patients receiving optimal diabetes care and a 48% increase for heart-disease patients. The model also achieved a 350% reduction in appointment waiting time, as reported by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.

Next Intelligent Design Award

Disease Management Purchasing Consortium International, Inc. .

890 Winter Street, Suite 208
Waltham, MA 02451
Phone: 781 856 3962
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Email: alewis@dismgmt.com