Outcomes Measurement For Dummies...and Smarties

The Ultimate Guide to Outcomes Evaluation

Ever read an outcomes study, a vendor report, or a proposal...and you have that feeling that you're sure it's wrong but you're not sure why? Well, now you'll know.

This comprehensive reference guide demystifies outcomes reporting. Its Seven Rules of Plausibility Analysis show you exactly how to deconstruct results to figure out for yourself which outcomes are valid and which aren't. Featuring case studies of invalidity from:

  • Kaiser: Do their clinical pharmacists perform life-saving miracles to bail out their incompetent doctors and earn Kaiser a 57:1 ROI...or did their clinical pharmacists publish a study to make themselves look implausibly brilliant?
  • Cigna: Do they totally misunderstand risk...or are they just hoping that their customers do?
  • Wellpoint: Did Pharos Innovations really save them a record-setting 79% on CHF admissions and 87% on all other CHF costs combined, when no one else has ever come close to a 79% admission reduction and the bucket of "all other costs" usually goes up as patients replace hospitalizations with preventive care...or is Wellpoint being taken advantage of?

Mercer, North Carolina Medicaid, Georgia Medicaid and plenty of others are also shown to be touting mathematically and/or epidemiologically impossible outcomes in DM, wellness, and medical homes.

"Plausibility Rule #1 is that you can't reduce a number by more than 100% no matter how hard you try," says author Al Lewis, "and yet I'm amazed how many people will try."

You'll be able to compare these outcomes to plausible results from Highmark, Health Dialog, Quantum Health, Harvard Pilgrim and others — and not just on the surface. You'll be able to "dive deep" to see why some outcomes satisfy all Seven Rules of Plausibility and are internally consistent besides (and hence likely valid) and others aren't.

These aren't just case studies. They are teaching tools, designed to demonstrate and teach Critical Outcomes Report Analysis. You'll become a "smart shopper" for interventions and learn how to allocate resources to the most promising interventions, which are rarely the ones with the highest claims for ROIs and savings.

The DMPC Guarantee

Outcomes Measurement for Dummies...and Smarties is pure math, logic and Epidemiology 101. Yes, it's unbelievable, but true: Al wrote 10,000 words without a single wiseass opinion. There was no need to editorialize — the math speaks for itself so clearly that it is guaranteed accurate. The DMPC Guarantee: Anyone who can disprove even one of the findings or deconstructions may receive a full refund, keep the White Paper with our compliments, and, if they want to, have their own proof appear right here.

You may order this document using the PayPal button below. Pricing is as follows:

Unlimited-level DMPC members, members of the Texas Association of Health Plans, Health Plan Alliance, or State and Local Group Benefits Admistrators: Free. Email alewis@dismgmt.com to obtain a free copy.

Regional health plans not part of a national chain, large self-insured employers and DMPC members: $295. Note: to get this rate you must provide an email address from a regional health plan or large employer.

Consultants and others: $495

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All sales come with one hour of telephone consulting.

Disease Management Purchasing Consortium International, Inc. .

890 Winter Street, Suite 208
Waltham, MA 02451
Phone: 781 856 3962
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Email: alewis@dismgmt.com